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Todd Horwitz


Todd “Bubba” Horwitz has has been trading both stocks and options for over 35 years. Not only is he a trader, he also teaches people how to trade with very similar methods used in this course. He is a regular on FOX, CNBC, and Bloomberg and also has his own radio show, “The Bubba Show”.

Xander Horwitz


Xander began trading when he was 14 years old. He is the son of co-creator, Todd Horwitz. He has been trading stocks and options for the past 5 years. He went to Deerfield High School and now attends Illinois Wesleyan University.


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  • Check out our new webinar discussing the benefits of! Click Here!
  • See what others are saying about High School Investing in our 2015 Survey Results! Click Here!
  • Congratulations to Asher Silverglade from Deerfield High School who dominated the February-March Trading Competition. He had a 110% return for the two month stretch. The power of options! Anyone want to learn options now?